Saturday, May 08, 2004
maLem MiNggu.. mALAm yAng pAnjANg *nyAnyi*
READY!!!!!!! i'm ready To hAVe FUn.. iTs sunDAy NitE.. mALem MingGu Jo.. kekeke
I'm Goin TO my fRIEnds sURpRisE party.. he's hAvIn A biRthdAy.. tHE namE is gADing..
n AFtER thAt i DunnO whErE To Go.. pROLLy to rNb RooF Top pARTy @ embASsy.. oR jusT hang ouT wiTh suM fRiendS.. i'm Goin With PuTi, wANnA cAtCh Up sToriEs n hAVe Fun..
Oo yeA.. hAve Fun bABy.. mY bABy iS goin 2 dInNEr wiTH hiS pAREnTs ALOng wiTh hiS sistErs 2nitE.. n
yAni AskEd mE To ciToz tonitE.. TO c hiS "...." , i'LL bE tHERE if my FRienDs Are goin tHERe 2.. k yAn?
hAve A niCE weEkeNd y'ALL....!! :)
Quote for today :
Don't give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying
Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can carry easily
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 6:42 PM
::|:: a niTe wiTh mALiQuE n D eSsEnTiALs ::|::
hEy..... wAzzup?? hoWs uR dAy?? iTs 2 am So i'm gOnnA b QuiCk k..
jUST goT bAck FRom REgEnt.. wE (me.. biAN.. inDie.. Romi) watChed mALiQuE n D essEntiALs.. iT wAS KewL.. hAD fUn.. wE Got thEre @ 10.45.. i mEt FizA tHere.. gOSh i miSsEd hIm.. missed 123 too, puTI sMs'ed mE thAt shE was Goin 2 REgenT To c mE buT we hAD EnuFf of mALiQuE so wE waNTed To go Home.. i smS'ed PuTi buT it wAS pEnDing n hEr PhOne wASnT ACtivE.. so wE deCideD To Go HOmE insTEad.. tHEn i mET puTi n nANeTte in thE pARkIng Lot.. hAHaha boTh thEiR Hp wAS dEAD.. tHEy woULdnt LEt mE go hOmE.. so i hAd To stAY A biT.. so thEre i wAs wiTH my biAn oF CouRsE bACk uPstAiRs.. sat n ListEn To mALique AgAin.. hAHa buT i dIdnT reaLLy ListEnEd Tho. gOt togEther wiTh fiza in oNe tABLe.. wE tAlkEd n i miSsed LOts oF sTories.. sO i hAD TO cAtChed uP sToriEs fRom nanEtte n uTi.. i reALLy hAD fUn.. iTs bEen a wHILe sinCe wE hAvENT hANg ouT togEther.. n i reALLy missEd thEm.. EspeCIALLy puTi.. i gOTta hAng ouT sumTimE wiTH hEr.. so muCh stoRies nEed To bE hEARd n toLD.. i didnT kNo shE Even hAve bRokE up wiTh AIL.. dAMn!!! shE diDnt teLL me.. >:( nanEtte toLD mE sTOrIes thAt kinDA ShoCked ME too.. wELL wE stILL nEed a LOt moRe tIme.. sTILL a Lot oF stORies tO cAtch Up.. n it wASnt eNUff.. bUT thEy boTh aRe busy.. thEy'vE woRk n its kINda hARd to synchroniZE oUr timE..
wELL hoPe thEre'LL bE pErFECt timE.. To hAng ouT wiTh thEm A Lot.. owwww my bEst giRLs.. i miSs u guYsss... =D n i Had Fun.. i wAs reALLy hAppy.. buT mY b wAs boRed n hE wAs sLeepy.. hmm jadi gA enAk.. hE had To wAIt fOR mE whiLe i was hAvin FUn chAtTing wiTh mA fRIends.. SoRry saYAnk..
oOo yeAh.. Andi was tHEre TOo.. buT wE dIDnT sAy Hi To eACh OthEr.. bUt i DonT cAre.. wHo's HE.. hAhahA.. its hIs bAd noT mIne.. ;p
k thEn iTs TIme For mE to sLeep.. niTEy niTe Er'oNe.. LovE u my bi.. ;) muAhhhhhh
QuoTe foR todAy :
what is a friend? A friend is a soul dwelling in two bodies. -Aristotle-
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart
Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 2:02 AM
Thursday, May 06, 2004
hEy hEy..
iTs 3:08 on tHE aftErnOon.. n biAn is Goin 2 bE hEre AnymoMent.. so i'm gOnnA b Quick..
hEre's Sum piCs thaT wEre takEn on tEssA's & mEghA's b'dAy pARTy @ bLizz mAY 1st.. i'm gOnnA mAKe 4 eDitiOns of iT.. buT dun hAVe tImE to upLoad it ritE now.. so i'm juSt gOnna puT 1 ouT of 4.. so chEck my BLog LAtER toNitE k.. i'LL woRk on iT 2niTe.. soALnyA skRg mo PACARan dULu kEkeke
i'm GOnnA mAKe an ediTiOn of thE hOttest coUPLes thAt were thERe n an EdiTiOn of CheAted coUPLes hAHaha n hERE is pic oF ppL thAt werE thERe thAt nitE..
hEre ARe thE resT of thE ediTIon.. LetS stArt wiTh thE hOTtesT cOUPLe EdiTion..
therE r reAL cOUPLEs.. there's nEw OnEs.. 1 a "GonnA B coUPLe" soOn (i THink) 1 is useD To hAve hIsTOry onEs.. hAhA LOok@my facE on thAt piC.. Look@ d trAnsFoRmATion hAppy->happy->undescribable.. haha
tHiS iS thE CheAting EdiTion..
LoTsA ThiNgs hAppEnEd thAT dAy.. affAiR.. mIstAkes.. GOSH!! thEy wEre cheAtIng wiTh thEIR Own FRieNDs.. n Sum "CRossEd thE LinE".. whAt i meANt is moSt oF them wEre gay FOr a niTe..
-> mA bOy wAS cheAtIng wiTh titA.. n TukUL.. *sigh* whAt cAn i DO.. hE wAS gay FRom tHE start..
-> tita sWiTchEd FrOm mA bOy To Luigi
-> niTA stArt chEAting wiTh azHang And enD up wiTh niNA..
-> izZLe cAme With hEr gURL thAt nitE.. buT hE pRefer wiTh thE gUYs.. he was cHeAtIng With RoMi (goT Romi's Ass) n miRza.. (Look@miRzA's fACE)whAt hAve u DOne TO hIm ndrA.. cK cK ck
-> ninA wAS cheATIng wIth dikA n gOT boRed.. shE tuRneD To nitA..
woRLd is Goin insane.. EvEryoNE is ouT of tHEiR minD.. aRrgh..
buT hEy iT wAS a pARty.. thEres nuThin wROng havIn A biT FUn oR TOo FUn rItE??thEy wEre jUSt A tEmporAry CheAting pARtnErs.. hAHaha NOT!!! iTs juSt a Joke.. i mAde iT up.. so OnE CheaTEd on anyOne Ok..!!
n thIS is thE FunNY & uGLY fAcEs EdiTion.. hAhAHa thIS oNE is FuNny.. u gOT 2 LAugh this oNE ouT..
k tHEn.. i'm FiniSh wiTh thE piC.. i'm gonnA gEt sum sLEep.. ITs 3 o CLoCk aLready.. my bOy is goNNA b mAD iF AInt gEt my ass on thE bEd.. hEHeh nite Er'onE.. ;)
nitE bABy.. SwEEt dreAms.. hAD FUn 2dAy.. i LovE You..
QuotE fOr todAy:
If you would love and be loved, be ready to give your all:
"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get --
only with what you are expecting to give -- which is
--Katharine Hepburn
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
--Dalai Lama
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 3:07 PM
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
g'nitE y'aLL
Hmm duNno whAT To wRitE hEre.. mm LemmE stArt wITh where i'vE bEen todAy..
finiShed cLAssEs @11.30 tOok d 12.30 BUs.. arrIved 2 jKt @1.45.. biaN picKEd me Up@2.. wENT to his pLAce, cHiLLed, ate, watcHed dVd.. n waIted TILL yAra comEs.. thEn wE heaDed To baKti 2 mEet up wiTh ROmi, dimas.. n then chILLed @ LuIgi's criB.. goT hUngRy.. wEnt to edi.. n hEre i AM bACk hOme..
OOo iyA.. wE watcHed "trAgedi sEmanggI" unedited vidEo bAck @ LUi's cRib.. wow... caNt beLieVe jAkartA was thAt chAoTic thosE days.. i rEmEmbEred wALking fRom My hIghsChoOL @ ARterI poNdoK indAH to CipUtAT.. i cANt Even bELiEve i cOULD wALk thAt fAr.. hAHAha wELL i DIdnT feeL tiRed cOz.. sO muCH scenE hAppEned thAT dAY.. 13-14 mAy.. i wAS so FoCussEd On suMthin ELse.. buILdiNgs wEre buRnT.. cArs, fire EverywhEre.. buILdiNgs bein RObbEd.. Lot of pPL diEd, it wAS LikE hELL.. :( buT dAMn whEre did hE get thAt viDEo fRom..?nEwAys.. thANk goD jAKArtA is Ok nOw.. no DEmos occured LatELy.. n i hoPE anyThin Like thAt woNt ever hAppEn agAin..
mmm i'm worried bout my BIan.. i Think hE's gOin 2 gEt A fevEr.. his Body was wArm.. hoW COme hE gEt siCK easiLY??hE's Thinner.. hE LosT 5kg .. buT i gAined 5kg.. maybE hE's strEssED oUT On this reLAtiOnship wiTh me hAHaHa
huh.. :( gAk LucU AKh hEhe.. *aneh bgt g* i wish i cAN tAke cAre of him.. everytiME hE needS me..
ouR PLAn Goin 2 bANdUng thiS fRIDAy was cAnceLLed.. cOz azHang hAS to AttEnd his fRIEnd's wEDding oR suMThin.. so thErE wiLL be no bAndUng i guEss.. coz the nExt wEek we're Goin TO cAritA.. n azhANg gOin bACk to stAtes on mAy 20th
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 10:16 PM
g'nitE y'aLL
Hmm duNno whAT To wRitE hEre.. mm LemmE stArt wITh where i'vE bEen todAy..
finiShed cLAssEs @11.30 tOok d 12.30 BUs.. arrIved 2 jKt @1.45.. biaN picKEd me Up@2.. wENT to his pLAce, cHiLLed, ate, watcHed dVd.. n waIted TILL yAra comEs.. thEn wE heaDed To baKti to mEet up wiTh ROmi, dimas.. n then chILLed @ LuIgi's criB.. goT hUngRy.. wEnt to edi.. n hEre i AM bACk hOme..
OOo iyA.. wE watcHed "trAgedi sEmanggI" unedited vidEo bAck @ LUi's cRib.. wow... caNt beLieVe jAkartA was thAt chAoTic thosE days.. i rEmEmbEred wALking fRom My hIghsChoOL @ ARterI poNdoK indAH to CipUtAT.. i cANt Even bELiEve i cOULD wALk thAt fAr.. hAHAha wELL i DIdnT feeL tiRed cOz.. sO muCH scenE hAppEned thAT dAY.. 13-14 mAy.. i wAS so FoCussEd On suMthin ELse.. buILdiNgs wEre buRnt.. cArs, fire EverywhEre.. buILdiNgs bein RObbEd.. Lot of pPL diEd, it wAS LikE hELL.. :( buT dAMn whEre did hE get thAt viDEo fRom..?nEwAys.. thANk goD jAKArtA is Ok nOw.. no DEmos occured LatELy.. n i hoPE anyThin Like thAt woNt ever hAppEnd agAin..
mmm i'm worried bout my BIan.. i Think hE's gOin 2 gEt A fevEr.. his Body was wArm.. hoW COme hE gEt siCK easiLY??hE's Thinner.. hE LosT 5kg .. buT i gAined 5kg.maybE hE's strEssED oUT On this reLAtiOnship wiTh me hAHaHa
huh.. :( gAk LucU AKh hEhe.. *aneh bgt g* i wish i cAN tAke cAre of him.. everytiME hE needS me..
ouR PLAn Goin 2 bANdUng thiS fRIDAy was cAnceLLed.. cOz azHang hAS to AttEnd his fRIEnd's weddin oR suMThin.. so thErE wiLL be no bAndUng i guEss.. coz the nExt wEek we're Goin TO cAritA.. n azhANg gOin bACk to stAtes on mAy 20th
Quote for today :
I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love.
Love above all. No.....not the artful postures of love,
not the playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening,but love that......over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart,and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture.LOVE - like there has never been in a play.
-Shakepeare in love, screenplay –
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 10:16 PM
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
G'EveniNg EvERyonE.. hoWs uR dAy?
mY dAY iS mORe thAn Ok.. i'm ReLievEd.. pRoBLEms soLvEd.. -mission accomplished-
i hAd A phoTOsHoot This AfterNoon.. it suRe was fAst.. i gOT thEre @ 12.30pm wAItEd tiLL 1.30.. wEnt tO a BoutiQuE cALLed sChaLLoe oR suMThin in JL.GunAwArmAn.. whEre thE pHoTOshOot toOk pLAce.. n thE pHOtoshOot oNLy ToOK hALf an HouR n ALL sET n DonE hAhAHa.. i Wish i cAN do thAt EverY dAY.. hAha
n thEn wEnt bACk to d'ORc.. n biAN piCked mE uP.. aTe @ kFC kEmAng.. woNDering ARound gOT no PLAce to Go.. diDnT kNow where 2 Go.. so wE Let thE cAr LeD us hAHaH nuh jk.. So wE deCIdeD to hAng ouT @his pLAce..
jusT gOT hOme.. TUrned my Comp On.. LogGed in To BLoggEr.. n hERe i Am.. wRiTing.. trynA posT whAt i feel n whAt i Did todAY.. Arrghh its ALreADy 12 am.. i gOTta hIT D bed.. i gOtta cLAss To cAtch up Tomm.. i hAte waKing up in thE moRNIn wIth heAVy eyEs.. so nitEy nitE Guys...
QuotE fOR to dAY :
One fire burns out another's burning,
One pain is lessen'd by another's anguish
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head.
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 11:43 PM
Monday, May 03, 2004
mm skRg jAM 11.40 gETtin reaDy to sLEep..
i heArd on thE news tHErE's an acCiDEnt on that nEw buILdiNg in suDirmAn, thE one thAt is BEin buILt.. thE tower FeLL down n tHEre wEre sTILL woRkers insiDe tHE Tower.. buT i duNno if Anyone diEd coz of thAt AcciDent.. does anYone kNow bouT this? ANy inFo on thE net?? i'm TRyna find the nEws bouT iT on the nET.. but i cOuLdnT find ANy.. if aNy of u find Any nEws bouT tHis.. posT a commENt ok.. i hOpE no oNE diEd on that AcciDent..
iTs REina's fArewELL tonitE.. musT b a LOt oF my PH fRIends r COMIn.. mAAp gA bisa dAtEng.. hEHEHe but i HoPe i'LL meeT hEr bEfoRe shE Took oFf.. n hAve thE chAnce to saY gooD bYe n mEt jALAn.. buT my B is there.. so hE reprEsEnTs mE.. EH bENer gA sih?? diwAkiLkan.. tErwaKiLi??bAhasa inGGRisnya ApA yE??bisa kAN yEe repResEnt?saLah ye?? dAH AKh
k thEn.. C u aLL TOmm.. n nitey nite.. ;) sWeet dreaMs.. n nite LovE..
oo yeAH.. i mAde This TodAY.. Everyone is mAKin A tAg on thE wALL on mBDc.. so i mADe iT so i cAN put my tAg there Too.. givE cOmmEnt on my tAg wiLL ya.. thAnks ;)
n i trynA Learn How tO cOLour a pIc.. LikE on thE cOmics.. buT i cAnt seem To foLLow thE insTRuctiOns :( mA baD.. sALAH dimAnA ya?? koQ ga bisa2.. siALAn EmAng..
QuotE fOR todAY :
"Love is always patient and kind, It is never jealous. love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish, It does not take offense and is not resentful"
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 11:39 PM
i'm So BLuE ALSo so Red.. bLEnt iNTo 1.. whAt cOLOuR doEs it mAke??gReen oR puRPLe??iF its gReen tHEn its wEEd.. if iTs pURpLe.. mm whAt Does repREsEnt pUrpLe??hAhaha LOL.. i'm mAKin fUn oF my FEeLIngs.. hAHaha
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 12:53 AM
Sunday, May 02, 2004
hOW Am i gOnnA dEscRibE hoW i fEeL todAy??? Hhhhh Hmm Let me TRy..
TeRribLE, DisULtorY, SAD, DesPaiR, ANgRY.. Mm iTs EnuFf to coNcLUdE aLL of my feeLIngS i gUEss..
cAnT reALLy tELL yOu whY i'm FeeLing iT hEre.. :) hEhehE, aLL i cAn sAY is "DOnT DEny u R wRong whEn u ARE wRONg" pLus DOnt Add it wiTh suMThin cHiLDish.. it wILL mEss Up eveRyThin...
LASt niTe.. sYoNKz n mEghA pRivAte pArty @ bLiss wAS pErfEct, it wAS ALL gOOd n i wAs reaLLy hAppy, i wAS hAVing onE of mY bEsT mOmEnT unTILL sumThin kILLed My moOD n juSt pErfEctLy RUInEd eVEryTHin.. :'( n RuInEd tHE reST oF thE nitE.. iT wAs A greAt pARty.. DIff cRowD.. DIff sOngS PLAyEd, so i'LL bE comIn thEre oNce in A whILe BUT it'LL be wiThouT thAt "SumThin"
to ALL oF You.. whEn u SAy sumTHin.. meAn iT.. tRuE to youR wORds.. appLy iT to your LIfe or sELf, iF u donT meAn iT u mighT as wELL sTop tALking shIt..
niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 5:42 PM