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Monday, September 11, 2006

Infotainment Interviews
hey how r ya..
its been a while since i last post..
enuff of that cabin crew thing for a while, but i will update you about that next time..
so I got a job as a main talent for ungu's video clip called "Surgamu" its a ramadhan clip, I had to remember all the lyrics and do a lipsync on the clip. because they are quite famous, there were a lot of infotainments, so two of this infotainment, one called zigzag and one called stv(bandung and semarang tv), the things that i said, wasnt a very smart thing to say there were a lot of options on how to say it, but the best thing is to actually dont say anything and refuse to be interviewed but it was very spontaneous and honest which actually after the interviews i realised that it can sound really snob to some people especially to ungu's fans, u know what i mean?. when they asked me if they can interview me,
i said "hah?? aduh mba mo nanya apa soalnya aku ga tau apa2 soal ungu"
mba : ya udah gpp, interview aja koq..
jebakan maut donk niy pasti, secara if i rejected it they would think im sombong, baru juga jadi model udah ga mau interview, tp serba salah juga, diinterview tar takut salah ngomong.

so 1st question
bisa ceritain sedikit tentang vlip ini gak?
jadi basically clipnya tentang suatu kerusuhan yang terjadi, mmm kerusuhan ini menggambar tentang suatu problem yang ada di indonesia atau di dunia kali ya, nah si pasya sama g nyanyi di tengah2 kerusuhan itu dan ngeliat kaya koq knapa seperti itu, sedih aja harusnya kerusuhan seperti itu bisa tidak terjadi gitu loh

2. trus apa yang kamu tau soal ungu?
(bener donk niy mba ini menjebak g sialan, udah g bilang g ga tau apa2 soal ungu)
mmmm (mikir) mmmm aduhhhhh mbaaa sorry aku ga tau apa2 soal band2 indonesia heheheheh
when i could have said : aku ga begitu ngikutin tentang band2 yang ada, tapi ungu adalah salah satu band yang paling berpengaruh untuk anak muda indonesia sekarang ini.

3. lagu ungu favorit kamu apa?
mmmmm aduhhh ga tau hehehe
when i could have said : saya tau lagunya tp ga tau judulnya hehehe

4. jadi apa kesan pesan kamu jadi modelnya ungu?
mmm biasa aja sih, menurut g semua orang equal jadi ga ada bedanya. tp rame, seru, setnya keren banget.
when i could have said : lumayan fun juga ya, soalnya mereka down to earth banget jadi kaya ga ngerasa shooting sama artis.

5. koq bisa jadi modelnya ungu, gmana tuh?
soalnya udah beberapa kali kerja bareng gandy, sutradaranya, jadi ga make casting sama sekali.

6. baru pertama kali ketemu sama ungu apa gmana?
oh ga baru ketemu hari ini
(padahal g udah kenal ochi dari sma, kenal gt doank siy, acquintance to be exact and he still remembers me, he's very down to earth, they all do, they didnt act as if they're big or something, tp secara dari pada tar dibikin2 gosip ga jelas ya kan mendingan ga usah bilang apa2)

so yea, it'll make me look bad, damn infotainments. i learnt from this, hopefully they wont put it on their shows.

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 8:32 PM

<-- what u need to know -->

known as: JeAnE FeLLma
age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
status : Single (again?) haha =p
LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
contact: my EmaiL

:: right now

book: ComICs, mAGz, ChiCkEn sOup..
song: mosTLy rNb..
Fav song : Sassey - kiss you
mood: i'M oWkiE.. ;)

:: digs in

gAin hAppinEss By juSt cHiLLin w fRIenDs
15/6 onLinE
LovE GOin 2 d mOviEs oR juSt wAtCh IT on DvD
gAmE fReAk (pc)
LovE dEsIgn
crAzy 4 Pink

:: wishlist

- sELf impROvemENts
- nEw knOwLEdgE
- "maLes" rEMovEr as in LAZY
- pass ALL my classes
- gain sELf COnfiDENce
- remoVE thosE LOw sELF confidEnce

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