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Friday, January 07, 2005

:: Happy Happy Joy Joy ::
hauehuaehu watsup watsup... can u see d look on my face??? ugly??? yea i know.. but no.. its not that.. hehehe but i'm freakin happy.. i got back with my boo.. n i had a really great time today... he's bein such a sweety.. n i'm just so fallin in love all over again rite now.. gosh i missed him so much.. and u know how much i love u.. i love u tons n tons.. just like he said.. i love u more than d population in china... i feel d same!!! i feel that he's a lot more comitted to me now.. and a lot more opened.. more understanding.. hehehe ceneng... pokoknya a lot more in everything.. :) :) :) =D made some commitments.. of course for a better relation ship.. i hope this last forever.. :) ooo God i wish for it.. ONLY if its better for both of us.. i Trust U God.. Help Us..!!
hhuhihihuhiuh.. not gonna tell u d details.. but i hope we're stronger from now on.. our love is inevitable hehe.. sahhhhh sadiesss ga tuh???

neways.. g tadi siang abis dari landmark.. briefing buat jaga di peninsula minggu depan buat Job Expo.. trus bis itu balik ke D'oRc, trus dijemput pacar, ke PIM makan, trus ke rumah pacar.. n now here i am..
sooooooo soto babat, soto madura.. thats all for now.. i'm freakin sleepy.. udah merem2 gini.. nitey y'all..

Quote for today :
"I want to vanished inside ur kiss.. everyday i love u more and more"

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 11:42 PM

Monday, January 03, 2005

:: I Miss U ::
and i heard this story about a shooting @ fluid, hilton.. pas tanggal 1 nya siang.. a friend of my friend was there.. and saw it happened.. puti was supposed to have her NYE there.. but thank god she didnt..
n man.. this guy is sssssoooooooooo sok mafiaaaaaa... God Ohhh Please God Hukum orang ini seberat2nya.. and bayaran untuk membayar tindakannya dia semoga sangat mahal dalam arti beratttttttttttttt.... semoga dia cepat matiiiiiiiiiii dan tidak hanya mati.. tp sengsara..
knapa sih ada orang2 kaya gini diDunia?????? :'(
masa depannya Rudy si waiter itu ilang gara2 orang mabok sialan itu.. padahal april dia wisuda..
semoga Rudy diterima disisi Tuhan.. dan smoga jaksa,hakim,dan aparat ga haus uang.. mentang2 si adiguna sialan itu punya banyak duit...
may ppl like u are curse.. and i hope u die awfully..
and arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhh how i miss yo ass so much rite now....
it makes me sadddddd.. :'(
aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh its killing me..

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 11:55 PM

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy Nu Year 2005 Everyone..

How was Ur nU year??? Exciting? Great? Wasted? Well... i Hope y'aLL had A Great time.. and may this year is better than d last.. i hope we are a better person than we were last year.. and i hope we grow wiser, better, properous this year.. dan I hope our beloved country.. Indonesia ini.. menjadi lebih baik dalam ekonomi, pemerintahan, individualnya masing2.. trafficnya.. dll.. dan MOST OF ALL!! semoga indonesia DAMAI DAN AMAN SENTOSA!! bukan hanya Indonesia aja.. mudah2an Dunia :) dan terakhir.. Semoga Korban2 Aceh yang masih selamat, mendapat bantuan sebaik mungkin, dan semoga kita semua dapat membantu dalam recovery kota kita yang hampir musnah ini..
anyways.. G pengen menjadi suka relawan ke aceh deh.. ada temen g nih yang ngadain suka relawan kesana nih.. tp hp nya 22nya mate n ga bisa dihubungin.. mungkin dia udah disana ya.. dan koneksi disana sepertinya memang sedang mati.. hmm well i hope dia bisa ngabarin ke g.. apakah g bisa jadi suka relawan ksana.. pingin membantu sedikit dari kbisaan g..
ANYWAYS LAGI...!!! Y'all should know how "great" my nu year was...
ya gaaaaaa put???????? nu year kita emang paling T.O.P B.G.T ya jooooo??? hauehuaehuahe
taun baru kita rayain di Parc, count downnya juga disitu.. jadi di sana ngadain acara nu year 2 area, 1 mayhem, 1 lagi adalah rnb.. karena emang dasarnya g ini emang ga niat clubbing ya nu yearnya.. g kan emang pengennya sih yang api unggun-an.. trus quality time ngobrol sama temen2 g.. pengennya sih gt.. dan sama kaya sahabat g si puti ini.. juga ga niat clubbing.. malah tadinya dia pengen stay dirumah aja spent her nu years bersama kluarga.. but WHATEVER.. akhirnya kita mendamparkan diri di Parc.. pas nyamperin area rNbnya busyettt sepi n basi aja gt.. ditambah lagi DJ nya NAUJUBILE basinya.. g ampe ngomong ma temen g.. "net busyettttt deh nih orang ga pernah update lagu apa ye???" lagu yang di pasang lagu2 lama (bukannya harus baru sih.. tp ini bener2 deh) trus tentunya untuk menarik Crowd dan Live up d scene harusnya kan memasang lagu2 yang up beat gt yee... eh doi masang lagu down tempo.. lu kiraaaaaaa mo dansaaaaaaa cuyyy..... busyetttt deh.. juara deh emang tuh dj satu itu.. (tak perlu disebutkan namanya).
berbagai alesan deh knapa nu year kita itu D WORST NYE EVER IN OUR WHOLE LIFE!!! mungkin emang dasarnya ga boleh seneng2 aja kali ya.. krn sodara kita di aceh lagi ksusahan.. tp g bukannya mo pesta pora.. i just wanted to have good times with my love ones.. tp g rasa bukan cuma G n Puti aja yang mengalami Nu Year Suram.. ternyata ada mas bian di Parc juga.. tapi g telat sadarnya.. yah maklum saat itu g ga make kaca mata heuahuaehae, that makes the 3 of us (g, uti, bian) Join to da club b... hehehe kalo mau kirim aja foto basi nu yearnya.. jadi bisa dipasang disini bergabung dengan mine n puti's hehehe...
ini foto2 waktu NYE BASI Kita.. :

"Me and my WASTED nu years eve"

"Puti and her WASTED nu years evenya"

"Our WASTED NY was just sooooooooooo 'great'"

anyways.. u gotta c my nu hair...
i highlighted my hair brown.. and got it cut..

My Nu Me...
what dayya think???

i watched "moulin rouge" yesterday.. it was on TV.. and i Quoted some great quotes there was on d movie..
"We R D Creature of D underworld, We Cant afford to Love"
"Hurt Him to Save Him"
"I Want To Vanish inside Ur Kiss, Everyday I Love U more and more"
"Come what may, I will Love U Untill My Dying Day"
"Tell Our Story, Then I'll always be with U"
"This is A story about Love, A Love that will last Forever.The end"
"The Greatest thing U'll ever learn is to Love and be Love in return"

And yessssss yesssssss LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS!!! but yesssss LOVE ISNT ENOUGH... contrasttttt abisss...

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 9:14 PM

<-- what u need to know -->

known as: JeAnE FeLLma
age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
status : Single (again?) haha =p
LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
contact: my EmaiL

:: right now

book: ComICs, mAGz, ChiCkEn sOup..
song: mosTLy rNb..
Fav song : Sassey - kiss you
mood: i'M oWkiE.. ;)

:: digs in

gAin hAppinEss By juSt cHiLLin w fRIenDs
15/6 onLinE
LovE GOin 2 d mOviEs oR juSt wAtCh IT on DvD
gAmE fReAk (pc)
LovE dEsIgn
crAzy 4 Pink

:: wishlist

- sELf impROvemENts
- nEw knOwLEdgE
- "maLes" rEMovEr as in LAZY
- pass ALL my classes
- gain sELf COnfiDENce
- remoVE thosE LOw sELF confidEnce

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Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...delicious
Your hugs are...friendly
Your eyes...burn into my heart
Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...entrancing
Your love is...one of a kind
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