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Saturday, January 29, 2011

ASI (breastmilk) is the BEST!
I want to talk about ASI cuz mothers need to heighten their awareness on how important ASI is. ASI is Air Susu Ibu or Mother's breastmilk in english. Yesterday I read about an upcoming plan of making ASI a (an ONLY) compulsory food for the 1st 6months of baby's life as a law in Indonesia. U can read the news here http://www.tvone.co.id/mobile/read.php?id=47642.

ASI is really important for our baby, cuz it provides everything and is not replaceable. U can find a lot of infos about it on the web.
Quoting from the news:
"Berdasarkan penelitian, pemberian ASI eksklusif selama enam bulan dan meneruskan pemberian ASI hingga anak berusia dua tahun terbukti dapat mencegah penyakit seperti kanker anak, pneumonia, diare, kegemukan, diabetes, penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, alergi dan asma."
"Pengiklanan besar-besaran yang dilakukan produsen susu formula selama ini dinilai telah membujuk para ibu untuk tidak lagi memberikan ASI karena diiming-imingi manfaat susu formula yang seakan-akan lebih baik dari ASI."
"Selain itu, PP ASI juga akan mengatur mengenai kewajiban bagi kantor untuk menyediakan ruangan bagi ibu menyusui, termasuk kewajiban bagi manajer memberikan kelonggaran bagi karyawan perempuan menyusui. "
"Hal itu untuk menjamin bayi mendapat ASI ekslusif selama enam bulan pertama karena ASI merupakan makanan ideal dan tidak dapat digantikan oleh susu formula."

What really saddened me is, mothers nowadays prefers to give their baby formulated milk so they can have free time n can go out n leave their baby at home, now I'm not talking about a specific person, but this is the typical mommies nowadays, that doesn't fight hard, that is hopeless easily that their breastmilk isn't enough. U r bound to not have free time because u r a MOM! U have a few titles now, don't expect things will be the same as when u didn't have a child, out freely, hangout w ur friends. Ur child needs all of ur time n needs YOU to take care of them, instead of somebody else.
Now don't give up easily on breastfeeding, I never said its easy, but try to give ur best, fight ur hardest, u r trying to give the best n the best don't come free n easy so u got to sacrifice n fight. Fighting w hormons n wondering whether ur breastmilk is enough is normal, when u think ur breastmilk isn't enough, check:
1. The less u breastfeed, the less ur milk is, don't give in to temptation to give formulated milk, ur child is impatient that's how they are, but be patient the more u breastfeed the more it produces milk, it'll produces more n more n will be enough for ur baby, be confident. How do u know its enough? By being patient n keep breastfeeding until its the baby's regular check n see if her/his weight gain is within target which is 600gr-1kg weight gain.
2. Eat regularly and Eat healthy, minimum of 3x a day, MUST have breakfast, lunch and dinner, do NOT do diet, don't be selfish, ur feeding ur baby as well, this isn't about u, don't make it about u. U put urself #2 n put ur baby's #1. Check ur priority.
3. Be patient, I know the routine u do as a mom everyday is somewhat frustrating n boring to be honest, but be patient, the bigger ur baby is the more time u have for urself n friends n the more independent she is, by the time ur baby is 2, u can delegate a YOU time.
4. Fathers aka Husbands need to lower their EGO, wifey has no time for u n take care of u? priority check don't make this about u drama daddy, help ur wifey in taking care of ur baby, therefore u n wife r sharing burdens, thefore empathy between eachother is heighten n time of being n doing things together is there. There is NO such things, ur a mother its ur job, its a dad's job too to help take care a baby, its YOUR baby isn't it.
5. Moms if ur bored, get some fresh air, go out to the malls or something, u need it, its gonna be troublesome as u will be breastfeeding n taking care of ur baby when ur out, she/he will cry n u won't have time to eat, that's why u need support from ur loved ones, which is ur husband n ur mom, sis/bro to help u. Get everybody to hand in a hand, to participate.

The point is, u need to breastfeed ur baby, as it is the most important food, their shield for the future, their future health, when they're big they wouldn't be so easily tired n sick n truly this is a fact. The reward of breastfeeding your baby is priceless, can not be counted with amount of money, it equips them with strength n health which u n ur baby can appreciate later. U can't urself a high achiever, ambitious, hard worker, self motivator if u don't work hard in providing the best health for ur baby, if u can't motivate urself to breastfeed, if u don't achieve high enough to breastfeed, the true high achiever is mom who breastfeed 6months-2years to their babies. That put themselves after their baby. If u can give ur best to ur career n society, u should be able to give ur best to ur child right? #justsaying
So before u give up on breastfeeding, think again, check ur priority, lower ur ego, fight hard n don't give up! If I can do it, anybody can :) remember its for ur OWN baby, why compromise?
I hope this blog helps u in some way. Thanks for reading :)

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 8:39 AM

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age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
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LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
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crAzy 4 Pink

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