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Saturday, July 31, 2004

= LonELy sATurDay niTe =
Hi Hi.. :)

g tADi bACA >>>>ini<<<< di mBDc.. dan >>>>ini<<<< didetik.com.. langsung klik aja.. loe smua harus baca..tRus g gA tAu kALo Ada kEjadiAn ini kArenA jARANg nonTon TV.. sEdhi bANgEt yA cEritAnya.. :( inhuman banget.. kRN dEndAm.. tp g BiNgung.. si bokApnyA sEndiRi biLAng gA punyA muSuh, Tp aDA kertAs "sapto loe berikutnya" hmm mEnuRut G si AmAndA pAsti kEnAl tuh orANg, mUnGkin jugA dEKet.. kAlo gA ngApain si AmANdA ini ngEbiARin tuh orANg mAsuk moBIL.. tp kAsiAn bAngEt nAsiBnyA Amanda Ini.. g turut bErdukA citA buAT keLuaRgA yAng ditiNggALin mudAH2aN diterima disisiNYA.. :'( dAN mudAH2an pELAkunya ditANgkEp dAN dibALes dengAn sEtimpAL.. hARUsnyA si AmAndA punyA great life ahead.. dAH smEsTer 8, dah mo LuLus.. hmmm :'(
adA yang tAu nEw nEws soAl ini gA??kAlo tAu hOLLer yAh..
hATi2 yA buAT cEWE yAng sukA nyEtir sEndiRian.. sErem bAngEt kalo sAMpE tERjADi diAntarA tEmen2 DEket G.. Atau orANg2 yAng g kEnAl.. mudAH2an gA ada ya.. :(

hARi ini kAyAnyA g gAk kmAna2.. mo bAlik kErumah Aja.. biS puti ke aQuasoniC,koNdom nEmeNin nyokAPnyA, aLvin gA tau mo kmAna.. :s g mo spEnd time with famiLy Aja dEH..
hARi ini mA kmRn g mAin bOnus cAmpAignnya fROzEn thrOne.. sEru ABis tuh bOnus cAMpAignnyA.. tp hARus downLOad chApter 2 n 3 nyA.. jadi skRg g LAgi nUNgguin doWnLOad-annyA sElsAi niy.. :) bis iTu mAin sAMpE bosEn dEH hehe.. bis iTu bAlik kE rumAh ku TErcIntA di CiputAt..

hmmm i missed him..

quote of the day :
Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!
~ from the movie Moulin Rouge ~

No man is truly married
until he understands
every word his wife is NOT saying.
~ by Unknown ~

You will never know true happiness
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is
until you have lost it.
~ by Anonymous ~

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 5:15 PM

Friday, July 30, 2004

== FinisHEd fRozEn ThroNe ==
wAH g tAmAt nih mAIn fRozEn tHroNe.. i Kno i kno dah basi kAn??Loe smuA dAH dARi duLu2 mAInnya.. HEAIhaeihae weLL pAs bARu kLuaR g jugA dAh ADa gAMenyA.. cuMA gA g mAInin.. soALnyA g waKtu iTU main RO.. a.k.a rAgnARok HEhehE.. jADi mainnyA skALi2 kALo gA ADA kerjAan..
tAdi pAgi cEtink ma kreATe.. wE've taLked, he wANt mE bACk.. tP G rAsa kT perLU mikIR duLu sEndIri2.. TerLALu Mmm cEpet AjA amBIL kepUtusAn.. miKirnyA mAKe eMosI.. gA nuNgGU cALm doWn duLu, jadi G rASa wE hAve To mAKe suRE wat we REALLY wANted n wAt wE REALLY want now.. jADi bukAN kARena sELfisHness AJa, gA Liat reaLiTy.. jADi smInGgu ini g mo PasTiin dULu dAN baNyAk miKir sEbenErnyA bisa gA siy.. G mA Doi.. he saId hE wANted To chAnge wiThouT me Askin Him To.. *gak ngerti kan loe smua berubah apanya???* hAIEhiAEH yA iyALAh cumA g yAng tAU :P
yA PokOknyA mUdAh2an i aLreaDy hAve D ansWer whEn hE gEts hEre.. n i HopE 4 D bEst fOR bOTh oF us.. jADI iF he chAngE hiS minD.. yA G hArus TerimA :)
hmm mALem MiNgGu ini kmANA ya??si PuTI mAU kE AQuAsoNic LAgi.. g mALes.. :(
sApA doNk yAH??tANyA koNDom dEh.. KoNDom jugA pasti mALes dEh ksANa.. HEhehe
Apa pIpin yAks??yA udah deh nANti g tanya2..
DUh mo pipIs lAGi..

Duh sOmebodynYA depEchE moDE tuh bAGus bAngEt yAH????pas Gt kAYAnya hAIEhiAEHa
hEhehE nih LiriKnya :

Somebody – Depeche Mode
Written by Martin L. Gore

I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side, and give me support
And in return, she'll get my support
She will listen to me. When I want to speak
About the world we live in, And life in general
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted
She will hear me out. And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking, In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all, She will understand me

I want somebody who cares, For me passionately
With every thought and with every breath
Someone who'll help me see things, In a different light
All the things I detest, I will almost like
I don't want to be tied, To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear, Of those things
But when I'm asleep, I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me, And kiss me tenderly

Though things like this, Make me sick
In a case like this, I'll get away with it
And in a place like this, i’ll get away with it.

quote of the day :
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
~ by Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

I'd like to run away
From you,
But if you didn't come
And find me ...
I would die.
~ by Shirley Bassey ~

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 12:16 AM

Thursday, July 29, 2004

..hE's HEadiNg to SiDney 2dAy..
Hmm gA tAU knApA saAt ini pErAsAAn g gA enAK gt.. gundAH gULAna gusAr gmana gt.. hEhehE gA enAk dEh POkoKnyA.. hmm nAPA yAh?? is He OK??wELL i hOpE hE's Ok.. :)
oO iyA tERnyATA tHE "fuk u n ur lifestyle" is nOT 4 me.. so he saiD.. iT wAS fOr inDo.. wELL i'm an inDO so.. i guEss thAt goEs foR me Too.. LAh sAMA wAe doNK yAH???hEhEHE :P
LAgi krAnjingAn bIkIN iCOn iTu nIh yANg kmRn.. i jusT mAde OnE AGain..
mirip yAksss hEhEhe
tRus hARi ini gA kmAna2.. mALes ngApA2in gITu.. wah baCk to mE n mY comP AGAin.. hE's bEen LoyAl to mE.. i nAmed My cOmp : coLin hEhe sinCE i ALwAys nAmed my Things AftEr my husbAnd's nAme.. coLin fArreLL bEbE.. ;P
wELL iTs ALL fOR nOW..
nitEy niTE er'onE.. :) hopE u hAve A greAt sLip.. swEet dreAms..

QuoTe oF thE dAy :
The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.
~ by Pearl S. Buck

Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.
~ by Germaine De Stael ~

I love you - those three words have my life in them.
~ by Alexandrea to Nicholas III ~

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 1:25 AM

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

-- nEw piC siGnAtUre --
g bARu buAT siGnAture yAng bARu Nih.. hEhEHe mEnuruT Loe gmANA??

hEhE biasA AjA yAks??
nEwayS.. ini TgL 27 LoH.. mAU duLu mAu skRg.. sLALu bad tHingS hAppEned pADa tgL ini.. duno Y.. sugesti Apa CumA kbEtULan.. bUt inDeEd bEneran Loh..!! buT thinGS wEre mEant To hAppEned nEways..
hmm tAdi ngEcEk2 fRIendStEr.. tErnyAtA pRofILEnyA dAh digAnti gT DOi.. :) jADi yaH g gAnti jg sEmuA AcCOuNT g.. kRn iTU jG g bikin sIgnATUre bARu u mBDC.. tErnyAta bEncI Akan sEsuAtu iTU bAwAAnnyA fAtAL yAH.. bisA mEnyANgkuT kE smuA hAL.. wELL ApA bOLEh buAT.. emANg bGitu adanyA gA bisa diRUbAh yA gA?? CUmA bisA TerimA dAN jALAnin Aja.. wELL i HopE iTs 4 tHe bEst :)
i reAd sumthin hoRribLE tOday.. it sAys "fuk u n ur lifestyle" hmm duno if its 4 mE oR not.. wELL if IT is.. thAnks.. nOT gonA FuCk u bACk.. buT Akan G tErimA n jAdiin iTU mASuKAn.. nExT timE i juSt havE to B morE cAreFuL.. buT iF iTs noT 4 mE.. i'm sorRy.. cAnT ask u thE qUEstiOn jUGa.. jADi ga tAu deh if its foR me oR noT..
hoW cOmE ppL trEat ANoTher pErson bAD whEn ThEy sAiD wE wERe spEciAL to thEm??i had thAt hAppEned to Me TWICE.. i guEss iT hAppEnS if Ur in pAnic siTuAtIon aTAu pas LAgi EmoSi.. yAH.. hmm i KNoW whO tHEy R nOw.. :) CuKuP tAu AjA.. yA gPp i LovE U tHo.. i wUdnT do that 2 U.. buT thAts ME..!!
tp yA gpp.. muNgKin kArmA G kALi yA.. kALo iyA.. buAT yAng pErnAh G jAhatin scArA gA sadar Atau sadaR.. mAaf yA.. mAaf bAngEt.. mUnGKin g mAksuD mUngKin gAK.. tp mAaf yA..

tHIs Are soMe GREAT quoTes fOr y'aLL : MUST READ
- Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
- Don't be afraid to admit you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us together
- Don't give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying
- Don't take for granted the closest things to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them life is meaningless
- No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry
- Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have
- Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
- Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful
- Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened
- There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
- Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

GREAT STUFF huh??? hEhehE ini dAh aDe di dAtAbAsE Aye mpOg daN AbAng skAlian.. mUngkin AdA yang dAH PErnAh g tAro adA yANg BELom.. buT thE hecK w iT.. hehE

OOo iyAaaaaa IP g buAT smEsTer pEndek Ini 2,8 hEHEhEhE mAyAnnnnnn yANg PENtiNg g SEnEng =D
TRus tAdi g BIkin iLLustrATor icOn of my sElf.. Lucu dEh..

iTu vErsi hAri2.. vErsi feminIN sAmA vErSi gAya.. hEhe

buAT U guYs yAng inTerEsTed On mAKIng One.. bisA CLicK HERE
AtAu PEngEN Liat2 iLLustrAtOr yAng dAH dibuAT orANg di MBDC bisA clIck HERE

to bian..
hAti2 on uR tRip.. hAve Fun.. hAve A bLAst.. tAke cAre..

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 11:46 PM

Monday, July 26, 2004

..mEngEjAR mAtAhaRi moViE..
hEy hEy...
tAdi G, COwo G, pUnAng, nitA, yaRA noNTon mEngejAR matAhARi di WijAya.. bEner Aja HehE rAme sih Tp sEpi.. soALnyA diPIM atAU LAinnyA belom tenTU dApet TikEt kan.. soAlnyA noMAt. eh bener Aja tAdi kt dApet padAhaL sTengAH jAm sEbeLum mULai bELinya.. huAEHuAE nEways mEnuRut G sIh LumAyAN.. i CRiEd tWiCe.. buT thEn agAin movIEs aLways gets Me.. hEhe AdA bEberApa bAgiAn yANg menuRUt g gA pEnting uTk di mAsuKin.. LikE whEn rARa (Agni prAtishA) nonTon bASkEt tRUs tiba2 si ARdi (wiNky)dAteNgin n ngObroLin mAtAhARi.. iTU gA pEnting.. kArenA bASi gt.. :P tRus AgNinyA Lucu bAngEttttttttt.. hEhehE bener2 Deh kk-ade sAma2 cAntikkk n Lucu.. kknyA keren Abis.. yA ga??eveRyOne Agree..!! tp ActinGnyA mASih kAku yAh.. sAAAAAh eLAh kAya aCtiNg g bAgus AJA.. :P hEhe gAk giTu.. mAKsuD g ini G niLAinyA sBAgAin pEnonTOn Low.. tRus kurAng DetiL.. knApA sAAt si dAMar mARah kE ARdi krN diA dEKet ma rARA.. kurANg dijELAsin Aja.. gA jelAs gt tiba2 maRAH.. tRUs LAngSung bEsoknyA si Apin mEniNggAL.. hmmmmmm.. dAN pAda ENDingnyA gA di kAsih tau gMAna kAbar si dAmAR.. wELL ovEraLL LumAyAn LAh.. tp G sukA ma aCtiNgnyA dAmAR tuh.. mARAhnyA bEner2 Abis.. n LokASinyA dApet bANgEt.. dmAnA yAh iTu??tAnAH ABAng siTu yA? gmAnA buat yANg Lain?? wAt do u gUys tHink bouT mEngEjAR mATAhari..??
tRUs bIs daRi siTu kE ciToz mAKAn di DIxiE.. jAnjiAn mA tiTa DEh.. bESok doi brAngkAT nyAmpErin PP.. mEt jAlaN yA tA.. ATi2.. HEhehE n "HAVEEEE FUNNNNN!!!"
Oo iyEee pacAr g jugA brAngkat LAgi rABu kE Oz LiAT komPEtisi bBoY.. g DiTInggALin DEh smInGgu =(
Ooo iyA mInGgu kmRN kAN g jAgA di JCC hEhe cApe ABis, Ada kOmpuTer n sELuLar ExPO.. tRus g jADi proDuct annOunCEr gT kAN.. nAh bARaNg Yg g pREsEnterin Tuh inTernEt diGitAL REfRIgEratoR.. gILa nih kULkas dAH kayA artIs AjA.. evEryonE is INTERESTED bouT this fRiDgE.. muLut g ampE bErbUsa NgOmoNgin kEhEbATAnnyA beruLAng2.. CK ck ck.. CCAAAAAPEEEE!! hehe nEwAys Ini foto2 wAKtu g jAga ma ANaK2 pH yAng LAin.. kK,ichA,ROBby,puRi,pRita.. sisAnyA anak kampUs LAin.. tp DI foto iNi yANg AnAk pH cumA pritA hEhE yAng LainnyA shiFt PAgi..

hErE's mE n my AwEsOme FriDgE..

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 9:45 PM

<-- what u need to know -->

known as: JeAnE FeLLma
age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
status : Single (again?) haha =p
LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
contact: my EmaiL

:: right now

book: ComICs, mAGz, ChiCkEn sOup..
song: mosTLy rNb..
Fav song : Sassey - kiss you
mood: i'M oWkiE.. ;)

:: digs in

gAin hAppinEss By juSt cHiLLin w fRIenDs
15/6 onLinE
LovE GOin 2 d mOviEs oR juSt wAtCh IT on DvD
gAmE fReAk (pc)
LovE dEsIgn
crAzy 4 Pink

:: wishlist

- sELf impROvemENts
- nEw knOwLEdgE
- "maLes" rEMovEr as in LAZY
- pass ALL my classes
- gain sELf COnfiDENce
- remoVE thosE LOw sELF confidEnce

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Your kiss is...delicious
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Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...entrancing
Your love is...one of a kind
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