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Thursday, May 13, 2004

siZE uR fRiEND..!!
yesssssss u kno who u r....... yesssssss its for u..

what iS thIS ALL bouT?? hAhaha nEver miND.. i wRotE iT fOR sum1.. sum1 i UsEd To Think is a fRiEnD.. sUm1 i ThOuGht COnsIDer or AssumEd mE As His fRiend.. tErnyAtA TETTTTTTTT (a bell ring) WRONG!!!!!

ya udAH.. SKip thAt..!! cUma bIkin g pisSEd oFf AjA.. >:(
wEnT to a sALon for Tom, my cATokAn is bRokEn so i cAnT usE it nEmoRe.. piCkeD mbA wina n cHILLed @ biAns pLAce.. piCked sum cLotHEs thAt i boRRowEd fRom puTi @ hEr hOUsE.. n wEnt HomE..
cANt sAY AnyThin rItE now.. LAGi bad Mood.. soRry gUys.. buT i'm GonnA GIvE U gOod QuoTEs as ALwAys..

Quote of the day:
"The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - that man is black at heart: mark and avoid him."

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 11:30 PM

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

| My nEw arT woRk |
hEy GUys... cAN u hELp mE? givE cOmmEnt tO my nEw Art wORk wiLL ya?iF its no GOOd.. thEn teLL mE its No GOod.. if i nEed Any corREction On it.. LemmE kNO.. i juSt wAnnA impRove my wORk..
hEre's 1st.. thIS is fOR iZzLe, he ASkEd mE to mAke 1 fOR Him foR his fRiENDstEr pAgE..

thE sEConD is mE wiTh my bABy kreAte.. :) i'M LikE hIs angEL wiTh nuRsE ouTfit hAhA LoL.. angEL nuRsE.. *wink* thE piC shOws that i'm gOnnA takE cAre oF him coz thE LovE so bIg thAT i havE foR Him

givE cOmmenT Err'boDy.............. *^^*

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 11:44 PM

Heyy yA I'm bACk
HeLLowww.. Ha' wa' yu'??
hEHhe thAts whAt jAmie AdiTyA sAid oN hiS cOmmErcIAL.. damn.. what a pieCe of Guy He Is.. :)
soRry i didNT wRitE U fOr 3 dAys.. i wAS in kRwC
LemmE stArt wiTh :
sunDAy : sKUL as uSuAL n tHen @ 7 WEnt To dITo's, thE PLAn wAs gOin To tAMAn HIjAu @7 But DiTo diDnT woKe Up.So wE wEnT to tAMan HijAU fOR gRouP stUDieS @9.. thEre i wAS, mE w ma GRouP.. Sux @pRogrAMminG, WORkin mY ass Out TO mAke A rEPORT BouT thAt pROgrAm i DIdnT mAke.. hOW Am i suPposEd To mAke One.. whEn i dUnno aNYthiN bouT the pRogrAm.. >:( Everythin wEnt wRoNg, thE LApTop, thiS 2 Guy thAt i woRkEd wiTh.. arRghh!! PUSING BANGET!! n wE goTta FiNishEd iT thAt dAy.. thE duE tIme is 9Am, tUEsdAy.. it wAs 00:00 am n wE sTILL diDnt KNo whAt 2do.. n THis Guy.. hAve No CLue boUT AnyThin thaT wE diD, nOT EvEn thE rEpoRt, hE cAnt evEn COpy N pasTe, y D hELL DId hE tAke IT As hiS mAjoR iF hE cOULDnt unDerstAnD a SiNGLE COpy-pastE.. gILeee mEndIngAn G!! n thE otHEr oNe.. goT pRObLEm wIth hiS othEr skUL prOjEct.. wELL cANt bLAme Him 4 thAt.. buT hE AbsOLutELy DId noTHing.. wELL i wAS tiRed So i QuitEd iT @3am.. i LEt ALif to tAke cAre Of thE rest.. sinCe its OnLY 20% of thE report to WOrk on..

TuesDAy : i Woke Up @8.. N dAMN!! i reALIzed thAt i mISsEd stAtistic LAb Quiz.. i goTta huRry TO cAMpuS cOz thE rePORt hAd to b submiTTed @9.. n when i gOT thEre, thE pRogrAm hAvEnT bEen BURn to a CD.. arrghh whAt eLse cOuLD'vE gonE wRoNg??! sO thEre wE wEre KLImpuNgAn >:( n thEn @10 i stILL goT 1 mORE quIz.. dIdnT knO.. so i DidnT stUdy, nO pRepArAtIon, so I cOuLDnT finiShed it.. whAt a dAy!! LaTe @ nitE.. i wAs KLImpUngAn hOw To pResEntAte thE pRojEct, dUnNO AnYtHin bOut thaT FOOkin viSuAL C++, DiDnT TAke thE LAb, DIdnT mAke ThE pRogrAm.. i cALLed aLif bAck n FORtH n DIsCUssEd iT..so U knO d REst oF d dAy LAh.. wELL i gOT tIred n wEnT bACk hoMe n sLEep @12 suMthin..

wEdnEsdAy : THIs iS thE bIg dAy.. Hmm nERVous BouT tHE pResEntaTion! "what shOULD i say, whAt sHouLD i Do.. whAt iF hE ASked mE tHis N thAt, whAt if.." thAt QuesTions bEen RuNning thRoUgh mY mind A Lot For d LAst 3 dAys.. wEnt 2 diTo @8, as SoOn As i goT iN dIto askEd :
"feLL hp ku mAnA?"
i AnsWered "huh??yA dimEja, mANg knApA"
"gA ada,Hp gua iLAng"
"Huh?BoOng Loe?koQ bisA?"
"gA tau, tIbA2 dah gA ADA, Loe bALik jAm brApA kmRn?"
"g bALik jAm 12 dAN HP Loe mAsih ada DimEja, sAMA hp 1 LAgi 7650"
stEvE : "iTu 7650nya tEmen G, g bALik jAm 12.30 tp g gA merhAtiin, tmn g IkuT kRn ngAMBIL hpnya kTinggALAn diRumah"
"yAH gmANA DOnk?pinTunyA DikunCI gA?"
"gak.. kAn pintunyA gA pErnAh dikunCI,tp dARi dULU gA pERnAh ada yAng iLAng"
so tHEre wAS oNLy 4 pPL @ thE criME sCEne, mE, diTo, stEvE, n his FRiend.
yA udAH.. diTo wAnnA find orANg pinTEr, i HELp them cALLed EverYonE that proLLy knO whERe To find "orANg pintEr" , wEnt to cAmpus, pResEntAte, ASked here n tHERE, finALLy Sum1 KnO Wer to find oRANg pintEr.. yA udAh.. nuTthin 2do nEmoRe..i gOTtA caTch d 12.30 buS whEn i sTILL on A buS, dIto cALLed Me, he ToLD me thAt thE orAng pinTer sAid the suSpect is eiTheR ME or stEvE's frieND n thE orANg pinTEr sAid "hpnyA bELom dijuAL Tp skRg LAgi dipEgang saMa cEwe".WAT D FOOK??bErArti g kan mAksuDnyA??SHIT.. i DIdnT TOok iT, Y d hELL i TOok it foR?i Dun nEEd IT, i'm noT RIch buT i'm noT fILthY!!! i wOULDnT do suCh ThIng.. n NevEr Did!! i hAve nEvEr have A bAd rePutATion n anYonE knOWs iT.. so i sAid TO Him "to.. bukAn g yang amBIL"
"iyA iyA g bUkAnnyA nudUh Tp gA tAu mo percAyA siapA skRg, tp kALo emAng iyA TOLOng kEmbALIin yA"
n thE oraNg pinTer saId shEs GoIn To mAKe thE pErsoN thAt Took iT reaLizEd, SO that pErsoN wiLL gIvE iT bAck To diTo.. but whAt if thE hP dOEsnT reTURn To diTo in 3 days??hE woULD'vE stILL think iTs EiTher mE oR stEve's friend kAN???sTILL tHEres Lotta pOssibILity.. "DITO DIDNT LOCK THE DOOR" so anyone couLD COmE in, thEy wouLDnT kNow coz THey wEre sLipin n woULdnT heAR IT.. n thE taBLE iS RitE inFRonT of thE dooR..
i'vE beEn fRIEnds wiTh hIm fOR 2yeARs.. EvEntho nOT thAt cLose, but wE ARe temEn mAin.. mayAn dekEt, wE went To bAndUng rAme2, i Like To hAng ouT @ his PLAce, wE hAve LoTTA sAmE cLAss.. gmAnA sih.. wELL he wOULd'vE kNown how i Am.. yA kan??i LivEd WiTH ma bEstfRiEnd ALvIn @ his hOUsE foR a yEar TILL thAt hOusE was sOLd.. nuThin hAppEneD.. iF i tOOk iT.. i COuLd've TooK ALL hE (aLvin) goT.RitE??y now?whEn i COuLd'vE dOnE it befoRe..
ARghhhhhhhhhh sEBEL bAngEt...!! BiKin BT aja..
n thEn noT Long After DITo hAng Up, aLvIn cALLed.. he wAS askin bouT whAt hAppEnd, so i TOLd Him wHAt reALLy hAppEnd.. i tOLD Him thAt i wAs pIssEd coz thAt orANg pinTer toLD iT was a gIRL n i TOLD Him "u kNow mE Vin, uR my bF.. i'vE bEen LiVin wiTh U a yeAR oR moRe.. diD sumtHin bAd EvEr hAppEnd??u kNow i wOULdnT do thAt"
"iyA, g pErcAYA koQ ma Loe, g DUkUNG LoE 100%, cUmA diTo LAgi pAnik Aje dan gA usaH percAyA mA dukUnnyA, kAN Lom tenTu bEner" he saId.
hE gAve mE sum AdviCe noT tO bE kesEL n noT to bE woRRied, hiS woRds cALmed ME dOwn.. reALLy gLAd he CaLLed.. n just LikE fRen said "what fRIEnds Are foR" Rite??
wELL mAybE i sHOUlDnt sUpPosEd To bE kEsEL.. COz i ProLLy FEeL d same iF i LosT p900 n bOught it wiTh my Own mOnEy..
wE'LL C LAh.. 3 hARi LAgi.. iT kILLed mY moOD to DO anYThin todAy.. sebeL :(

Quote For Today :
There's always going to be people that hurt you so
what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.

Anger is only one letter short of danger. If someone betrays you once, it is his fault; If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 3:10 PM

Sunday, May 09, 2004

hEi hEi...
iTs Sundaaayy...
i JusT wEnT tO pS To mEet A gUy thAt is WoRkin On oUR pRojEct.. n wE wEre cLAiming FOr oUr pRojEct n hE tAugHT uS whaT wE hAvE to KNow bOuT thE pROjEct.. So we cAN pREsEntAte thE pRojECt LATer.. iTs hELL oF A pROjECT.. thE Guy thAt maDe uS thE pRojEct Think that iTs fOR oUR fInAL tASk.. buT its ONLy fOr fInAL exAm.. GOsh..
i'm GOin TO kARawACi 2niTe.. biAn is gOnnA tAke mE thEre..
so I'm noT gOnnA updATe U fOr 3 dAys.. so bE nIce OK..!!
fOR mBDc'ERs.. GIvE CommEnT on my BLog OK...

Quote for today:
"Everything's in the mind. That's where it all starts.
Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it."
--Mae West

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 9:02 PM

<-- what u need to know -->

known as: JeAnE FeLLma
age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
status : Single (again?) haha =p
LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
contact: my EmaiL

:: right now

book: ComICs, mAGz, ChiCkEn sOup..
song: mosTLy rNb..
Fav song : Sassey - kiss you
mood: i'M oWkiE.. ;)

:: digs in

gAin hAppinEss By juSt cHiLLin w fRIenDs
15/6 onLinE
LovE GOin 2 d mOviEs oR juSt wAtCh IT on DvD
gAmE fReAk (pc)
LovE dEsIgn
crAzy 4 Pink

:: wishlist

- sELf impROvemENts
- nEw knOwLEdgE
- "maLes" rEMovEr as in LAZY
- pass ALL my classes
- gain sELf COnfiDENce
- remoVE thosE LOw sELF confidEnce

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