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Friday, December 17, 2004

JuS oRANgo??? yA jus AGoGO...
tAdi Abis dAri kAmpuS.. ngEdRop hARd cOver KP (kErja pRAKtEk) G.. biS iTu nyALon bEntAr N kEtinggALAN Bus LiPPo yANg kE pS (DAMN IT!!) AKhIRnyA i hAd to wAIt AnotHEr hALf an HouR dEH.. tp iTU juga bus kE citra grAha.. sampE CitrA grAHa.. Susah bANGet LAgi nyARi tAksi :'( hARUs nUNggu sEjamAn.. saMpE PS kEtEMuAn mA kK,ntA,rio,kiki tRus mAem Deh.. TRus kEtEmuAn saMA orANg bUAT JOb SPG-an Lagi.. TRus biS iTu kE JUS ORANGO??? YA JUS AGOGO!! hehehe cAFE bARu depAnnyA pAun GT.. kirAIn mAhaL2 taunyA gAk.. tEmpatnyA enAk.. :) tRus ngoBROL2 dIsiTu AMpE jAm 9 n hErE i Am.. hEhe
bEsok kita BUkA kAmAR di grAn mELia kARena wAKtu iTU dAPet grAtisan HEhe.. tp kARena g jAga duLU pAginyA mpE jAm 5 di rAtPLAz jADi nyusUL deh :(
mALemnyA mo kE mANnA houSe "hOLLA bACk" (whot whot?? :p) TruS mmm bEgAdang AjA mPE pAgi bAngEt.. kayANyA gA tiDUr hEheh ALhAsiL bEsoknyA g jAga ngAntuk n bonYok mukANyA huAEhuea tp gpp.. kAN jARANg2..
ya udAH.. G mo CEk mBDc DuLU nEh hEhEh
dRop mE a line OK.. :)

oOppss i FORgoT puTting QuoTEs LikE i usuALLy Do..
SO HEre IT is

QuoTEs foR todAy :
"I have lived my life according to this principle:
If I'm afraid of it, then I must do it."
--Erica Jong

"I go at what I am about as if there was nothing else in the
world for the time being."
--Charles Lingsley

nih AdA QuotEs bAgus dARi fiLm Irreconcilable Differences (1984) :
Casey Brodsky: I'm just a kid, and I don't know what I'm doing sometimes. But I think you should know better when you're all grown up. I think you should know how to act, and how to treat people. And I think if you once loved someone enough to marry them, you should at least be nice to them, even if you don't love 'em any more. And I think if you have a child, you should treat that child like a human being and not like a pet. Not like you treat your dog or somethin'. You know, when you have a dog sometimes you forget he's there, and then when you get lonely suddenly you remember him, and you remember how cute he is and stuff, and you kiss him a lot, but then the next day when you're busy again you don't notice him. That's how I've been treated for the past 4 years, and you don't treat your kid like your dog. It's not right.

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 9:22 PM

Thursday, December 16, 2004

"The Truth Lies In Charlotte"
bARu Aja pULAng Abis NonTon nATionAL treAsuRe di wiJayA mA sAhabat G Agha..
mEnuRut G fiLmnyA LumAyAn.. tp gA ada impRessiOn yANg ngEna di HAti G..
U knOw.. Like D feeLing whEn u wAtch a MoVIe thATs reaLLy GOod And iT Left sumthin in Your heARt mAkes U adoRe thAt moviE and remEmbERs that mOviE in D fuTure.. AmazEd gT..
kMRn g jugA nonTon diRi G sEndiRi sAMA cowo G maIn di ALexAndEr.. ADa yAng udAH nOnTON?? hEhe pASti bANyAk yAh.. wELL TUh fiLm sAMa AJa sih sAMA nATionAL treAsuRe gA Ada yAng ngenA di hAti EXCEPT!!! me ANd my BF.. hEhehE *ngarep* AbiS... hAHhaha
tUh AnAK kEciL yAng mErAnin ALexAnder miRIp bANget Lagi saMA coLin fArreLL =D G SUKA TUH ANAK!!!! gedenya NAnti mo g kAwinin sAmA anAk G.. hEhehe AcCentnyA jugA iRish..
no Wonder AlexANder wAS gAy.. he gRew up wiTh BUNCH of MAN!!! thE oNLy bEAutifuL womAn hE hAD Ever sEen?? HIS MOM!! hEHehE tRUs dAri kECIL udAH bEguLAt2 gA jElas sAMA hEphAIstion.. maKANyA hARus diIngAt2, fiLm ini AdA hikmAh yAng saNgAT pEnTing..
apakah iTU???? KALO MASIH KECIL JANGAN SUKA BEGULAT SAMA YANG SEJENIS, NANTI GEDENYA GAY!! hauehuaehuahuae jk.. no offence sama yang gay. this is only a joke.. :)
MIstEri di FiLm iTu.. AFtEr hEphAistiOn diEd.. IS THERE CONSPIRACY BETWEEN ALL HIS FRIENDS IN KILLING ALEXANDER???(Ada pToLemy, gA mUNgKin doNk pToLemy ikuT bAnTUin bUnuh, kALo pun ADa gA mUngkin diEm AjA kAn TUh si pTOLEmy, buT he Did say "we all help him died BY LETTING THE WAR GOES ON" sumthin like that.. berarti bukan mereka donk yang ngeracunin) OR DID ALEXANDER WANTED TO DIE?? (coz he promised he'll follow hephaistion to the end of time) atau MungKin 22nyA kALi yAH.. si AlexAnDEr EmANg pEngEn nyusuL si hEphaistioN And MUNgkin tAU mAU di rAcuNIn jADi skAliAn.. diA dAH ga Ada tujuAn LAgi hiDUp soAlnyA pACarnya sudAh Dieeeee...

I LOVE YOU COLIN FARRELL... I DO!!! and i LOVE THAT ABS!!! hehehe (pas lagi make kain doank)
dan g CANTIK BANGET YA DI FILM ITU??? loe smua setuju kan? hehehe :P :P :P :P

mY PLanS for toMmoRoW : pErgi ke kAmpuS ngAnteriN hARd COver KP.. Ooh iyA KP g dApEt B :) , B gendut, tIpiS sih kE A nya.. tp Gpp lAh hEhehe.. TRus MO nyALon n kETEmu buAT intErvieW JagAan.. YEAH KEEP MAKIN MONEY!!! =D

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 10:25 PM

wAh g dAh jARANg bAngEt nih ngIsi ini..
kAn kmRn (jumat LAlu)g kE kAwinAN gT di muLia.. udAH doNK.. LAgi rApih2, mAke Up, rAMe2 puLA udAh deh joR2An tuh bANCi foTOnyA hAUEhuaE dAri foTOnyA cumA 14 jaDi 110An.. hAHAH tRUs g instALL apLikASi bLACkList di Hp g.. buAt ngEbLOck nO. orANg GT.. gA tAu knAPa ternyAtA tuh dAtAnyA corRUpTed dAn g bAwa kE NOkiA TErnyAtA mEmoRy cArdnyA yang rusAk jadi hARUs di FORMAT!!! bELom sEmpEt g pindAHin fOTo2 DAN seGala maCemnya.. jadi smuANyA iLAng.. Tuh foTO pas g LAgi pRimA iLAng juga (huAEHueA taE akh pRImA) :'( yaaaaaaa iLAng dEh, fOTo2 Temen G.. trUS TemEn2 g jguA padA pRotes soALnyA foTonyA yAng bAGus2 Ada di Hp G.. mErekA tADinyA mo minTA kiRImin.. hAha
newAys its My newesT picture..
Foto2 pAs LAgi jAga

FotO g mA temEn2 G.. dAH LAma Sih sBEnernyA.. tp Lom pErnAh g pAsANg
hAEUhuAE jaDi waKtu itU kitA lAgi maMpiR di saLAh sAtu buTIk di kEmANg dimAna g mEmbeLi jAm G itu.. Eh mALAh jAdi foTO2 brAsa tOko sEndiRi hAUEhuAE tRUs mba yAng jaGa buTIknya kaLo ditANya hARgA jAwaBnya cEpet bANgEt.. coNTohnyA.. "mba ini bAJunya brAPA hARgAnyA??" "iTu haRgANyA 150.000 diskOn 20% jADi 120.000" sEmuAaaaa bAraNg DIskOn.. inTinyA sih hArgAnya 120.000 cUmA sok2 diskOn.. hEhe pas g tANyA ini diSkoNnyA tiAp hari yA.. hOoh kATA mbAnyA.. HEhe sAMa aja bOong

ini FOTo kAwinAN dAri Hp TemEn G.. gA bEgitu bAgus2 Sih..

PAs LAgi jAga.. n todaY is My LAst dAy jAgA inteL di gAjAh mAda..

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 8:49 AM

<-- what u need to know -->

known as: JeAnE FeLLma
age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
status : Single (again?) haha =p
LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
contact: my EmaiL

:: right now

book: ComICs, mAGz, ChiCkEn sOup..
song: mosTLy rNb..
Fav song : Sassey - kiss you
mood: i'M oWkiE.. ;)

:: digs in

gAin hAppinEss By juSt cHiLLin w fRIenDs
15/6 onLinE
LovE GOin 2 d mOviEs oR juSt wAtCh IT on DvD
gAmE fReAk (pc)
LovE dEsIgn
crAzy 4 Pink

:: wishlist

- sELf impROvemENts
- nEw knOwLEdgE
- "maLes" rEMovEr as in LAZY
- pass ALL my classes
- gain sELf COnfiDENce
- remoVE thosE LOw sELF confidEnce

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Your kiss is...delicious
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Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...entrancing
Your love is...one of a kind
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