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Friday, July 15, 2005

:: missed u guyz so much ::
finished my final exam today.. summer school is overrrrr!! wooohoo.. holiday for only a week.. i'll make it 2 weeks heheeh on my own regulation.. hehe gila males banget libur cuma sminggu.. tar g masuk pas batal tambah aja..
ngomong2 g lagi kangen banget sama temen2 g awal pas2 kuliah.. team2 awal kuliah.. 1st to 2nd year of college.. yaitu g, puti, nanet, boim, zaki, sandy, bogel, wahyu, davy.. jadi kmrn pas g ke bachelor party temen g, kan g ksana sama beberapa team anak2 awal gt kan, i forgot how fun they were n how much i've missed them.. hehe pulang bertiga n makan dulu waktu itu di kedai barito sama bogel n puti.. perginya bareng wahyu superman.. padahal cuma brg wahyu n bogel doank niy.. ngakaknya bukan main hahahah they havent change, dey're still ma boyz hehe.. bahagia bgt g kalo sama mereka.. hahaha langsung jadi kangen banget gt sama masa2 dulu.. dmana kita belom mencar n masih bareng2.. trus kmrn g ketemu sama bogel n zaki pas mo balik ke taman ayu.. n mereka nganterin g balik gt.. anggap aja dari kampuz ke parkiran mobil trus ke taman ayu tuh maksimal 20mnt make sgala macem tetek bengeknya.. and it was one of the happiest moment i've ever had for d past few months.. =D gokil!!! u guyz rox! hehe ampe merinding g.. haha
knapa kita mencar??n ga bisa balik hangout bareng2 like it used to be?krn g n boim used to date, puti n zaki used to date, nanet n sandy used to date, wahyu n bogel n davy used to 3some hahaha NOT!! gay donk hehehe.. one by one broke up n they were kinda one of the ppl who made us d way we r rite now.. it was at least 2 years tuh we all dated them n things just cant b d way it used to be ajah.. ga bisa hangout bareng2, coz we cant hehe things have change n diz iz now.. dulu sering banget kita ngumpul2 di taman ayu atau taman paris n just laugh our ass off, go places, play billiard, stay up till morning, winning eleven, chapsa n gamble(make duit atau yang kalah bikin indomie buat rame2 haha), lots of rave party, rnb, laugh, make a fool out of ourselves, lots of curhat session, just gather in one room n talk, laugh n have a good time :) i missed u guyz soooooo much.. those boyz kalo digabung.. bener2 ancur dunia hahaha ngakak mampus2an, dan kalo bareng mereka tuh.. otomatis cara ngomong g ke mereka berubah ke cara biasanya kita ngobrol.. intonasi, nada sgala macemnya.. tp kalo dah bareng yang lain ya biasa lagi.. haha i cant really describe how, hahah automatically changed aja hahaha i wish things cud've been diff, bukan brarti g pengen kita balik sama mantan2 kita dulu itu.. hell no!!! haha but.. if only we can hangout n just have a good time without any of those drama.. full team.. which is impossible siy.. it wud b ackward haha.. looking forward to c u guyz soon.. :) missed u so much guyzzzzzz hehehe..
g mo pasang foto full team kt dulu.. for old times sake nuttin more..
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minus bogel n sandy.. at kekoen
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minus puti n boim at avalon (rouge)
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minus boim

btw here r some pics taken on icha's graduation day.. ya ga cuma icha siy.. ada alvin dll.. but most importantly sih icha n alvin hehe tp pas g sampe alvin dah pulang hehehe.. gilaaaa temen g dah lulus smua.. hampir kerja smua.. stengahnya pada nikah hahaha my turn next year to graduate.. wait for me guyzzzzzzz :D
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hahaha ini adalah bachelors wanna be hahaha.. our time will come buddiess
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congraattttsssss icha baby..
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rame2.. at icha's graduation dayyy JHCC senayan..
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begayooooo... da cool kids hahaha

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 12:58 AM

<-- what u need to know -->

known as: JeAnE FeLLma
age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
status : Single (again?) haha =p
LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
contact: my EmaiL

:: right now

book: ComICs, mAGz, ChiCkEn sOup..
song: mosTLy rNb..
Fav song : Sassey - kiss you
mood: i'M oWkiE.. ;)

:: digs in

gAin hAppinEss By juSt cHiLLin w fRIenDs
15/6 onLinE
LovE GOin 2 d mOviEs oR juSt wAtCh IT on DvD
gAmE fReAk (pc)
LovE dEsIgn
crAzy 4 Pink

:: wishlist

- sELf impROvemENts
- nEw knOwLEdgE
- "maLes" rEMovEr as in LAZY
- pass ALL my classes
- gain sELf COnfiDENce
- remoVE thosE LOw sELF confidEnce

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Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...delicious
Your hugs are...friendly
Your eyes...burn into my heart
Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...entrancing
Your love is...one of a kind
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aRiEnda bEbekeCIL | |Tia sTRAwbERry | -aLEph- | miSS J-GrACe

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  • My 2nD fRIEndstEr

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