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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a blog for my daughter
I've been thinking of a form of writing letters or a diary for my daughter to read when she's much bigger.. I hope this letters helps her in some way if ever I'm not around anymore(knock on wood) or I can't help or forget things she needed to know about her or about how I was w her when she was a baby.. U know when you're w your mom and dad, brothers gathered, ur havin quality time w quality conversations, talking about how ur parents met, funny stories, how u were when ur a baby, little tiny information that makes u smile.. I wanna write infos about how to take care baby too, so if she has one herself and I forgot, I can refer and let her read my blog-will blogger has this forever database on their server? I hope-, cus I've encountered someone who forgots how they took care baby and its like ultra dissapoinment, how it could help me so much, it stresses me out not having someone to ask about stuff, to calm me, to help me w things and I don't wanna be like her, I wanna be able to help my daughter or my daughter in law, answers her worries, questions, calms her, help take care of my grandbabies, not looking clueless.

Here's little tiny infos:
I met ur daddy at the gym
U were born 3170gr and 49cm, 9 nov 09, 22:35
Daddy named u Shanuka from a little girl on his dream yelling anuka, but I refused to give u that name to prevent people making fun of ur name, so we added sh in the beginning, on the internet anuka means wishful
I named u Emmanuela from the bible, it means God be with us, so God will always be with u, protect u and guide u in ur life
let's forget ur last name cuz its ugly, Panjaitan suits u more :)
Until today I've only found 2 birthmarks, 1 small one just around ur neck line, 1 bigger one on ur left tummy side, brown color
U were able to flip on your back when you were 4-4,5mos, a bit late cuz u were pretty chubby, u hated when I gave u tummy time, cuz u weren't able to roll back, once ur able to roll on ur tummy, it was just a finger snap for u to roll back then roll around
I fought really hard to be able to breastfeed u exclusively and so happy n proud to have achieved it n still continue-ing to breastfeed.. Pray for mommy to reach at least a year
U love to babble "nggu" when u were 1-2mos so we called u nggu lotsa times
U were able to sit when u were almost 6ish mos, and mastered it when u were 7ish
U were able to stand up holding on to something when u r 7,5mos and now that ur 8mos, u love standing up, getting stronger and stronger..
That's all I can tell u for now princess :) I'll put more later..

I won't ever be tired saying to u this
"I love you baby, with all my heart and life, I am so grateful to have you, your God given gift, bestfriends for life, together forever, we'll have eachother's back n shoulders, I will never leave u, I can't live without u, mommy loves u Shanuka, never ever believe differently"

niEnnA ANariOn todAys JouRnEy @ 4:03 PM

<-- what u need to know -->

known as: JeAnE FeLLma
age: 24!!!
birthday: 02.06.1983
height & weight : 167 cm, 50 kg
nationality: IndoNEsiAn n PROUD to b 1..
status : Single (again?) haha =p
LocaTion : JakArTa
MaJor : IT @ UPH
contact: my EmaiL

:: right now

book: ComICs, mAGz, ChiCkEn sOup..
song: mosTLy rNb..
Fav song : Sassey - kiss you
mood: i'M oWkiE.. ;)

:: digs in

gAin hAppinEss By juSt cHiLLin w fRIenDs
15/6 onLinE
LovE GOin 2 d mOviEs oR juSt wAtCh IT on DvD
gAmE fReAk (pc)
LovE dEsIgn
crAzy 4 Pink

:: wishlist

- sELf impROvemENts
- nEw knOwLEdgE
- "maLes" rEMovEr as in LAZY
- pass ALL my classes
- gain sELf COnfiDENce
- remoVE thosE LOw sELF confidEnce

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Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...entrancing
Your love is...one of a kind
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